Friday, December 5, 2008

My favorite part about sandwiches are...

. . . the whole sandwich!

Sandwiches are my favorite food.

I especially like real Jew-ey sandwiches like corned beef on rye with deli mustard.

Or lox and bagels (I don't know if that would be considered a sandwich, but it would be considered delicious).

Or capers (not actually a sandwich but they taste really good on sandwiches).

Or Gus's in San Luis Obispo (Best. Sandwich. Place. EVER.).

Or Newsradio (Good television show to watch while eating sandwiches).

Update: I found this flicker set called Campaign for a Sensible Sandwich. Sandwiches should not be too big or difficult to eat. These sandwiches aren't sensible!


Susie said...

I never realized the importance of tesselation in our lives!!

Chaka said...

Where is Gus' in SLO? I love real Jewish sandwiches...I miss the east coast...or LA.

Anonymous said...

The headline reminds me of the time this girl asked me to guess her favorite pizza topping. After a number of wrong guesses (onions, mushrooms, olives, peppers, broccoli), she finally told me the answer: "Plain."